“ Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. “
- Rumi
This quote from Rumi is a keen reflection of my own journey of transformation. After 20+ years in tech focusing on achieving career success and finding fulfillment through external endeavors, I turned my attention inward. My creative impulse is stronger than ever, and now it comes out of authentic self expression, and is anchored in the inner truth that improving our shared reality starts from elevating our individual consciousness.
These days I share my creative gifts through coaching, writing, and teaching. As a ICF-certified coach, I work with self-actualizers around the world to unlock their true potentials. If you have a longing for change or a desire to become a higher version of yourself but struggle to turn it into reality, let’s explore what’s possible.
From My Clients
Coaching sessions are typically done over Zoom. If you are in the Bay Area, we can also meet in person in my private office in Palo Alto. If you are curious about self development and how that might transform every aspect of your life, I’d like to invite you to have a conversation.